Thursday, August 09, 2007

Iceland epilogue

Finally got my 500+ pictures from Iceland sorted. If you wanna know about the trip look at the pictures, cause it really don't sound very exciting when you put it in words, like "We walked a lot, and it was very beautiful". The pictures all have descriptive titles, and some of the them have detailed descriptions. Be sure to watch one of the two sets I have created, so you will get the chronology right, I recommend watching them using the slideshow function. The first set is 88 pictures, which includes a lot of pictures which are maybe photographically uninteresting, but covers some important/funny events on the trip. The other set is 42 pictures, which in my opinion are mostly interesting in some way, if you just wanna see the highlights. Have fun, and feel free to comment!

Iceland (all)

Iceland (selected)

By the way, saw Low yesterday and it was fan-fucking-tastic. Laters.


Tina said...

Low was amazing! I especially loved Sandinista and Take your time.
I think I maybe saw you at the end of the show, wanderer :)

Christian R said...

It was awesome. I don't get why both reviews I've read complain about a noisy audience, I've never heard an audience be so quite in my life.
We must run into each other once, with the great musical taste that we share :)