Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Airwaves aftermath

Ok, I've almost recovered after a week of cold Viking and Thule beers, and looked through my photos. Here's a little selection from some of the concerts I went too. I was so fortunate to get a press pass, so I was able to go in the famous photo grave and get really close - though it was still a bitch too push too the throng around stage. Some of these will hopefully be published on the Danish music site diskant.dk and maybe 12 Tónar's homepage, I'll let you know in either case. Also if you want to see more of my photos, they're as always on my flickr page here.

Mugison and Pétur Ben live in Danish Radio

Singapore Sling in 12 Tónar

Trentemøller featuring Mikael Simpson

Snake and Jet's Amazing Bullit Band in 12 Tónar



Of Montreal

Of Montreal

Of Montreal


Lali Puna

Also I highly recommend this Icelandic artist called Dagsson, I bought one of his books in Reykjavik. He does very simple stick men cartoons, that are totally dark and politically uncorrect, and fucking hilarious. Judge for yourself. www.dagsson.com.

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