Thursday, October 25, 2007


I'm in quite a pickle (does anyone actually say that?). One of the places I work have invited me to France for three days in December, on a combined skiing trip/Christmas lunch kind of thing - all expenses paid (!!!!!!!). Normally this would only call for miliseconds of consideration, I mean, I love free stuff! The problem is, that the day before we fly, I'm handed out exam questions for one of my courses, which I then have to answer and hand in a week later. Now, the course is extremely uninteresting (It's compulsory), and I have no ambition to make an especially good paper in it, since I've rarely attended and haven't really read anything for it. But I would like to pass however. On the other hand I've never tried skiing and would love to do so, of course I don't have any of very expensive gear you need, but I'm pretty sure I could lend it from friends. What do I do?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Do it! Den opgave er venstrehåndsarbejde. Hvis sågar dét!