Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Evilcorp Inc.

EDIT: If you're still interested in this, Gamespot released "the true" story here. I played the demo, it wasn't horrible, but it wasn't very good either.

Huh, just found out about this case, and thought it deserved to be shared. The site I have always turned to for my game reviews - Gamespot - apparently just fired journalist Jeff Gerstmann for reviewing the new IO Interactive game Kane & Lynch very poorly. Before the review was up, the Gamespot frontpage was plastered in Kane & Lynch commercials, after the review they were removed, the video review was removed from the homepage, and Gerstmann was fired. They've released a statement denying these facts, but no one really believes them. If it's true, it's first of all appaling naturally, and secondly gives rise to speculation on how much commercial interests influence reviews in general.

Danish article about the case

Gamespot's official statement

The written review

Below follows the video review - removed from Gamespot but still available on youtube.

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