Friday, December 21, 2007

Winter wonderland

I'm back home from France. Actually I have been for some days, but my arms were to sore to type anything. Never have I been so sore, I took the beating of my life on that snowboard, falling again and again on hard snow. That is not to say I didn't have a good time, in fact I had an amazing time. The pleasure when you finally managed to stay upright on the board, and actually looked like you knew what you were doing was simply indescribable. It was my first time on a skiing trip, but definitely not my last. I really like the routine of getting up early morning, go boarding all day, get totally wasted at night, repeat and repeat. The only thing stopping me is merely the tons of money it costs.

Christmas is almost here, and I'm actually in the spirit for once. I even talked to a homeless today, and a smelly one too, didn't give him any money though, you have to draw the line somewhere. My shopping is almost completed, so now I can relax, and expectantly wait to stuff my face until I'm sick, and receive a lot of new non-essential items, as the tradition dictates. Can't wait! Oh, and of course put on my only Christmassy album - Low "Christmas". Merry Christmas all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Inspiring story ... makes me want to go too, someday. C.U. soon!
