Film craze
I've currently on one of my film crazes, where I'm seeing a couple a films a day, both classics and new ones. To that purpose I've been using the excellent (International Movie Database), which has an entry on almost all films ever made, as well as a lot of lists. Unfortunately a lot of people who use IMDB are total morons (if you don't believe me try reading some of the posts on the message boards, it's one of the most funny things to do on the net), and horrible thrash from the most sickly part of Hollywood often make it to the famous top 250 list, while immortal masterpieces never get there. Recently - well just now actually - I've discovered a top 1000 list, for the viewer with good taste, like me. So if you ever need some inspiration for what to watch next, go to 'They Shoot Pictures, Don't They?' and check out their list. I've seen 47 on the top 100, 53 to go...
Here's an example from the IMDB boards:
Moron A:
As for seeing it again? Do you really think I want to waste time and money to sit through it again?????
Everyone's entitled to their opinions - but just because some of us didn't like this - it's unfair to label us as unintelligent!!!!
Moron B:
No, it's not, you are a retard, you're just not aware of the fact. Us 'intelligent' folk in an enlightened position are able to recognise this though, so just take our word for it.
This is a great quote that describes it all:
I highly doubt that it was the same cashew in his nose for months. It was just something he did to pass time.
New Design
By the way, as you may have noticed I've changed the layout of the blog. I've cleaned away all those links and labels that I suspect nobody ever uses, added a slideshow from Flickr in stead of the photo bar, moved album quilt to the left, and finally added a much needed "Christian dislikes" box - though it only has a film on it so far, some music and books will suffer the shame eventually. Let me know if somethings not showing right, or if you're missing anything. I also added a poll, just for kicks.
Tilsyneladende en filmliste for en udbredt flok af film nostalgikere. Der er ikke en film, der er lavet for mindre en 25 år siden på top 100.
Det er sandt. Men kun tiden kan afgøre om der er tale om en klassiker. Jeg vil nok hellere betegne den for film elskere - som jeg går ud fra at de 1604 kritikere, filmmagere og filmlærde, der har bestemt indholdet, er. Men IMDB's lister kan da sagtens bruges, især deres top lister i genrer er gode.
Interesting list. I have 74 to go! Guess I will have to watch a couple of films a day to catch up :)
You should, but careful, it's highly addictive ;)
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