Monday, January 12, 2009

Lists 2008 - films

OK let's do this! Moving on to film. As you will recall from my post about books, I was a bit dismayed by the fact that I read exactly the same number of books in 08 as in 07. I need not have any fears like that regarding films, 'cause I really watched a lot more films in 08 than in 07.

In fact I watched 255 films in 2008

That's an increase of 60 % (153 in 2007)

Waow, I should almost feel a little ashamed, but then again I did watch a lot of high brow films - I mean check my Top 5 directors - any film professor would be proud of me.

  1. Werner Herzog (9)
  2. Ingmar Bergman (8)
  3. Joel & Ethan Coen (6)
  4. (Tied) Woody Allen and Stanley Kubrich (5 each)
Honorable mention goes out to these directors, whom I all saw four times each: Kim Ki-Duk, Ridley Scott, Luis Buñuel, Michelangelo Antonioni and Wes Anderson.

Now let's see which films I saw the most times in 2008. Hmm, after counting it turns out I've seen no film more than twice, the films in question are:

A Clockwork Orange, Atonement, Batman Begins, Blade Runner - The Final Edition, No Country For Old Men, The Dark Knight and The Fountain.

Now, for the exciting and very tricky part Top 5 films seen in 2008 (only counting films I saw for the first time).

  1. Memories of Murder (Bong Joon-Ho)
  2. The Discrete Charm of the Bourgeoisie (Buñuel)
  3. Ran (Kurosawa)
  4. Grave of the Fireflies (Takahata)
  5. Solaris (Tarkovsky)
I'll change my mind a million times (in fact I already changed it once, anyone notice?), but in this exact moment, this is pretty much how I feel.

That's it for film! Still to come are series and music. Until then - ciao.

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