Monday, January 03, 2011

Lists 2010 - Books


  • BOOKS READ 2010: 37
It's a new record! The number for 2007-9 were 36, 36 and 34.

  • MOST READ AUTHOR: Bret Easton Ellis (3 books)
I read up on him for my review of his latest book "Imperial Bedrooms", and his visit in Copenhagen.
Pretty high for non-fiction. Mainly books for my master thesis. 

(not counting previously read books)

This is very hard for 2010, I read a lot of GREAT books fortunately. But three must be selected, here they are:

1. Jonathan Franzen - Freedom

It's an obvious choice, but without doubt the right one. This powerhouse of a social realistic novel can be compared to the likes of Tolstoj. Great great characters. 

2. Joe Haldeman - The Forever War

A sci-fi classic that has aged extremely well. It's powerful and frightening vision is as powerful today as it must have been in 1974. I know Starship Troopers by Robert Heinlein is mandatory reading in American military academies, this book should be as well. The title alone is suitable for the US's involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan (of course the book draws it inspiration from another glorious military engagement - The Vietnam War).

3. Karl Ove Knausgård - Min Kamp 1

Describing your life in minute details, and publishing it in six heavy volumes over a very short period of time, while pissing of everyone from your friends to your wife, and THEN naming the books "My struggle" sounds to obnoxious to be interesting right? WRONG, it's heavenly!

That's it for books, films and comics to follow.

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