Wednesday, May 28, 2008

William Gibson

Author William Gibson is one of my all time favorites, and one I keep coming back to again and again. His book Neuromancer is probably the book I've read the most times, and I'm so lucky to have a signed copy from his visit in Copenhagen in '97. He was part of the whole mirrorshades/cyberpunk scene along with Bruce Sterling among others, and invented the term cyberspace after watching kids playing video games in an arcade. His prose is absolutely fantastic and his topics are always an indication of what the future has in hold for us.

Chris Cunningham also made this amazing video for Björk "All is Full of Love" - see it here

I think there have been two adaptations of his novels, one was of the novel "New Rose Hotel" starring Christopher Walken and Willem Dafoe, which was actually pretty good but very low-budget and not one of Gibsons best works. The other was Johnny Mnemonic, starring of course Keanu, Ice-T and Dina Meyer who was the only highlight of that film, which should otherwise be forgotten. A couple of years ago there were big rumours (even a website I think?) about Chris Cunningham - maker of notorious Aphex Twin videos among other things - directing Neuromancer. Cunningham told the press how he had made storyboards for it when he was a kid, and had always dreamed of doing it, and his visual style would suit the film perfectly - all in all it was like a dream come true, I couldn't have imagined a better man for the job (having in mind that he hadn't actually made a feature film). Unfortunately the project was scrapped, and Neuromancer is still without a film adaptation (which might actually be the best thing).

Now however it appears that Peter Weir (A great director: Master & Commander, The Truman Show, Dead Poet Society among others) will direct the adaptation of Pattern Recogniction - Gibsons previous novel which is awesome, which is due this year it appears. So maybe we will finally see a decent big-budget adaptation of Gibson, maybe not, we'll have to wait and see but I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

The fat little man

Ok, as I wrote this, I just checked IMDB and discovered that there is another Neuromancer adaptation in the making, due in 2009. Directed by this little fat little man, whose directed a couple of Britney Spears videos, and starring Hayden Christensen as Case (OH MY GOD! THAT IS SICK CASTING). If they fuck up my film I will kill them all (not really - just a figure of speech™). Motherfuckers.


Anonymous said...

I share your love (and hate) about both of these projects. Unfortunately, word is that the Pattern Recognition adaptation has been dormant for a while :(

Christian R said...

Damn, lets hope Johnny Mnemonic hasn't scared of the investors again (which I forgive you for liking, since you also like The Fountain ;))