Monday, June 02, 2008


This weekend I treated myself to a visit at Komiks, the comic festival in Copenhagen, with all the other freaks and geeks. I don't really read comics any more, but I used to do it a lot when I was younger. I would visit the library almost daily, and hang around and read comics.
Lately I've mostly read about comics - like The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay - and a single graphic novel: Art Spiegelman's Pulitzer winning Maus, which was amazing. I've felt that I needed to explore the graphic novel more thoroughly, especially after seeing Sin City and 300 - based on Frank Miller's comics - and From Hell and V for Vendetta - based on Alan Moore's comics (not to his satisfaction, he notoriously hates all adaptations of his work). So on the festival I bought Moore's From Hell and Watchmen (the latter I'm currently reading, and will be reviewing soon - it's mind-blowingly brilliant), and two albums of Miller's Sin City, and given my enthusiasm for Watchmen, I think it's guaranteed that I'll be adding the graphic novel to my list of cultural interests.

Drawing from Miller's 300. Above: The Simpsons spoofing Alan Moore's hate for film adaptions of his work. Millhouse: "Mr. Moore, can you sign my DVD of Watchmen Babies?"

The festival it self was fun, though a bit disorganized (the interview area looked like a junkies living room, with mikes all over). I saw Don Rosa, besides Carl Barks undoubtedly the best Donald Duck illustrator, Méziéres and Christin (makers of Linda og Valentin), Achdé (Illustrator of Lucky Luke), and a lot of people I didn't know. As I said I don't really now the field that well. For all my pictures of the festival, look at the set on flickr.

Mr. Comic-book-guy Morten Søndergaard, I've given that guy my allowance countless times

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