Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Roskilde Q & A

I'm back from Roskilde, and man what a festival. The weather was perfect, the music great and the drugs plenty. I've decided to do a little Q & A with myself, it saves me the bother of making sentences.

What did you see?

Choir of Young Believers
Tokyo Police Club
No Age
Girl Talk
The Notwist
Neil Young
My Bloody Valentine
Fuck Buttons
Cat Power
Bob Hund
Bonni 'Prince' Billy
Jomi Massage
Dub Tractor

Actually a bit more than that, but nothing worth mentioning.

What was the best concert?

That's tough, I think I will have to say My Bloody Valentine. My expectations where so high and were fully delivered, as I walked out of that tent, I knew something had changed in me, forever.

Biggest positive surprise?

Tokyo Police Club was actually a pretty good act. I never heard them before.

Greatest disappointment?

No truly great disappointments, but Supersilent didn't really do it for me as much as I had hoped. Grinderman was also a bit uneven.

Worst musical moment?

Hearing (obviously not seeing) miss vanilla/frøken leverpostej generic Danish girl Tina Dickow rape Hallelujah. Get a job in a daycare facility please. Also Anti-Flag was fucking awful, college punk a la Green Day times ten.

Best Lightshow?

Radiohead. They brought their own (enviromentally friendly of course) LED lights, which were awesome.

Most touching concert?

I can honestly say that my eyes were moist during pretty much all of Radiohead, I just love that band so much - MARRY ME THOM!

Biggest "oh snap!" moment?

My Bloody Valentine's closing, which was 15-20 minutes of noise (see video below). I felt purified afterwards, like the sonic emissions from the wall of Marshall amplifiers had shaken of all the peedust (actually a version of the track "You Made Me Realise", read a description of the experience here ed.)

Greatest party?

Girl Talk. Which was also something of an oh snap moment. Mixing Ace of Base, Metallica, Smashing Pumpkins with things like Dr. Dre, Wu-Tang etc. etc. was seriously freakisly awesome. That tent was steaming.

Sweetest moment?

Cat Power aka Chan Marshall. She gave a really heartfelt perfomance, and just seemed so honestly greatfull for the applause she got in the end, that she had a really hard time leaving the stage. She's also my future wife.

Weirdest moment?

Frontsinger Angus Andrew in Liars, all dressed in white, with a big hairdo and moustache, twiching his long limbs in front of a half-empty pavillion stage like a combination of Jesus and Jim Morrison. Sweet.

Thank you for you time

No problem, peace.

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