Monday, March 05, 2007

Got my camera

Got my new camera! Ohhhh it's so nice, I already have an unhealthy relationship to it. I got it sooner than I hoped and cheaper, thanks to my very excellent gadget pusher: My brother. I thought I'd share my photos with you, besides the random shot I upload in posts, so I've added yet another function on the blog. A flickr badge as it's called, a strip of my most recent photos, which will update through RSS as I upload new photos on flickr. Very neat actually. That also means that I had to make the blog wider, so if you're using a resolution below 1024x768 you will probably not be able to see the whole page. Change...

At the time of writing the black and white photos are shot with my new Nikon D80, oh just look at that quality.


Tina said...


Unknown said...

Hvor sejt... Super cool... Victorie la Rasmussen!!! sÅ kommer du vel og tager billeder af vores kære Rockband Manchild d. 31 marts i lille Vega... Please...

Christian R said...

Klart nok, bare skriv mig i døren ;) Og tillykke med sejren.