Friday, April 13, 2007

Extra video - Hicks's me again. Now I know I've already used today's video quota, but I just had to share this with you. It's part of the late comedian Bill Hick's show "Sane Man" from 1989. Now he was a real comedian, who dared take up high risk topics like drugs, abortion, alcohol, politics, gays in the army, religion, media etc. etc. Not like the piss-boring comedians we got in Denmark who talks about relationships, the difference between men and women and that kind of well-trotten stuff.

In this clip he talks about smoking (mostly), which is of course still very relevant with the current worldwide campaign against smokers. Actually in general most of his themes are relevant, even though they are 15-20 years old. I'm pretty sure his jokes about George Bush Sr. also apply to junior, and the name is the same so no confusion there.

If you don't know him directly you still might have heard him, since he's been sampled by lots of musician through the times. Tool sampled him on "Third Eye" on Ænima, and also had a picture of him in the cover I think, Radiohead dedicated The Bends to him, and there's also this song where in the start they've sampled Hicks talking about how all music is made by people on drugs, ends with him saying "reeeeal fucking high", just can't remember which one...let me know if you know.

Hicks died in 1994 of cancer, only 32 years old. Any connection with his use of cigarettes is speculation, but it puts this clip in a new perspective. Anyway he is a very funny man, enjoy.

(it should be said that in the previous clip, he has just ranted against smokers, so the audience believes him to be a non-smoker)

If you liked that the whole "Sane Man" show is on youtube, also try to watch this clip, where a woman in the audience yells "you suck!", which she probably regrets to this day.

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