Tuesday, May 08, 2007

24 hour flickr people

As you may have noticed there is a bar with photos on the left side of my blog, that's the pictures I upload to the best photo site around flickr.com (which totally owns picasaweb btw - mac or pc). As you may also have noticed the pictures haven't changed that much recently, that's because my new camera gets scared out of its vacuum sealed baggy.

But finally there are some new things on it, shot about 100 pics this weekend, and about a handful where decent enough. Flickr where having an event this Saturday called "24 hours of Flickr" in which each member who signed up, should upload one photo from their life that day, and put it on a map. In that way you could kinda get an overview of what happened on may fifth 2007 all over the world in pictures. A nice idea that I wanted to contribute to. I did have plans about going around in Copenhagen and shooting away, but ended up just lazing with my friends at their place, and shooting some pics of them (much to their annoyance!). Anyway this is the pic that I submitted, of Parkov and Ida, I call it "Chuckles".

See it in full size on a nice black background here

I also uploaded some pics from The Late Parade + Of Montreal concert at Loppen Sunday, you can see those here. Unfortunately I didn't get any good ones of the festive lead singer Kevin Barnes, as the place was totally packed.

That's it for now - Rain rules.


Anonymous said...

Ih, hvor er de fine dine billeder fra of montreal (og naturligvis også af de to turtelduer i gråt).

Jeg har forøvrigt dit kamera itui, du kan jo få det i morgen...

Christian R said...

Mange tak. Yes, jeg savnede det da jeg cyklede hjem i regn og var fuldstændig gennemblødt, men det overlevede heldigvis.

Anonymous said...

Smukt, i sandhed et værdigt motiv til indsendelse... Keep on shooting away...

mvh Thomas

Christian R said...

Jeg takker ydmygt.