Thursday, May 31, 2007

The Rite of Spring

My mother invited me to the new Opera house in Copenhagen today, to a double ballet with music by Igor Stravinsky.

The first one was the famous and in-its-time scandalous ballet Le Sacre du Printemps (The Rite of Spring) from 1913. It was a scandal in it's day because of it's daring dancing style (a lot of pelvis movement), the unknown, unorthodox musical style and the themes of paganism, fertility and human sacrifice. During the premiere in Paris the audience got so agitated that it developed into a riot, the police intervened, Stravinsky fled the showing mid-scene crying, and the choreographer Nijinsky shouted numbers to the dancers because they couldn't hear the orchestra above the racket.
The second was by the same company performing another piece by Stravinsky - L'Homme de Bois.

It was only my second time going to the ballet, the first was Anna Karenina, which was nice and beautiful, but a bit boring to be honest. But I most say these two completely blew me away, I was totally emerged in the performances from start 'till finish. Both my mother and me couldn't understand why the dancers suddenly started bowing during the 2nd show, when it had only just started. Turned out of course that it was finished, we'd both just completely lost the sense of time as it was so engrossing.
Even though no contemporary audience gets upset about the ballet today, I can somewhat understand the agitation it caused, because it (and they) were extremely sensual and wild, and the score was also just sublime.

It was my first time in the new Opera house, and I must say it comes to its full right indoors. It's a very beautiful, modern building - and very spacious, not like the old Royal Theater. It took a bunch of pictures there, two of which are above, the rest you can see here. I was especially fascinated by Olafur Eliassons light sculptures/chandeliers - very beautiful.

Oh, and when you watch my pics on Flickr, do yourself a favour and watch them in large size. You can either do this by clicking "All sizes", which is above the picture you select, or even better select "View as slideshow", and you won't even have to press any buttons. The medium size really don't do the 10 megapixel size I take my pictures in any justice.

Ballet 4ever.


Tina said...

Sounds amazing. Beautiful pictures btw. Have to check if there's still tickets available.

Christian R said...

Thank! I'm sorry to say that it isn't playing anymore, last day was May 31.