Friday, June 01, 2007


Before it gets lost in the Spot report, I just wanted to say what an excellent concert Cody gave. It was really really good, I hope they get their double debut album (!) out soon. By the bands request I took pictures of them, about 200 RAW photos, taking up about 2 GB of memory. I got a little excited because - besides just wanting to give the band some nice pictures - a guy from DMF (Dansk Musik Forening), who was backstage said that he could use some pictures for the DMF magazine - for a fee of course, and the booker at Vega might be interested as well. Going pro perhaps? I hope.

Out of the 200 I've picked 40 who are decent so far, still have a lot of selecting and fine tuning to do, but they should be up next week. Here's one of 'em

Also, I forgot to tell that Good Luck Casper, who as mentioned just released his debut album, is being tested on Det Elektriske Barometer, a Danish user-decided hitlist, with the excellent track "Bye Bye". I really urge you to send him your vote, cause he is very talented. You can see the list here, as well as listen to the tracks. To vote just send a mail to, with a minimum of three votes (not sure what the max is).

Well, it's of to Ã…rhus for me. Have to get up in about 6 hours so I better start packing...have a nice weekend.

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