Friday, August 24, 2007

Films and movies

I dropped my external hard drive recently, losing near 250 gigas of music, movies and games (all perfectly legal of course). I almost didn't bother with the 1-year warranty, 'cause who's gonna replace a hard drive that I dropped right? Well it turns out Apple will! Not even bothering with checking the faulty one, they've shipped me a new one, and arranged a pick-up for the faulty one - all free of charge, now that's service.

Went shopping for DVD's today. Now if you like films and live in the Copenhagen area, you should really visit Fona 2000 on Strøget. They have an amazing first floor, stuffed with cheap films (by the way I've just installed a British dictionary in my browser to get that foul American slur out of my language, that's why I don't write movies 'cause then this ugly red line appears underneath it). I spend 330 Danish kroner in there - about 50 Euros - and this is what I got:
  • Gosford Park
  • A Praire Home Companion
  • Caché
  • Old Boy
  • Before Sunset
  • The Machinist
  • Summer With Monica
A fancy (high brow) list of films, for not much money. Renting films makes no sense any more - and besides I like to own stuff. I will slowly but steadily devour them in my typical fashion. One of my first priorities however, must be the new David Lynch film Inland Empire which I've ordered from the British Amazon site. Really really looking forward to seeing that, but I'm waiting for the perfect moment to put it on.

Dern and Lynch on set

Speaking of Lynch, next week I'll resume my education at Copenhagen University, studying a Master called Modern Culture. Among other cool things I plan to attend a course dedicated to the works of before mentioned film genius. Yes that's right! I'll watch David Lynch films and get paid for it by you tax payers, muhahah! After two years I will earn the title Master of Arts - which sounds so much better in English than Danish (cand.mag.).

On a last note, remember that Danish TV phenomenon Mikael Bertelsen, is beginning his show Den 11. Time again after the summer. It's on at 11 tonight.

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