Thursday, September 06, 2007

Feel's like coming home

So I had my first (and only so far) day at my old university - the grand old man Copenhagen University - Tuesday. It was both wonderful and horrible at the same time, just like I remembered it, so of course I became a little nostalgic - which might also have to do with the fact that I hadn't slept that night. But I digress... The course I had was (roughly translated, I'm sure there is an exact word for it in English, I just can't be bothered to find it) cultural scientific theory with my old arch nemesis ARP, whom I've toppled with in the past. She is quite a terrible teacher, she knows lot's of stuff evidently, she just can't communicate it - at all. Well fortunately I was prepared for her, and took it all in good spirit. Beside her teaching it was wonderful to be back.

I actually had another course yesterday, that I was quite looking forward to (a teacher I know and like), but I had to stay at home and wait for the mail man delivering an extremely important package of mine. Yes, I've finally bought an Xbox 360! Hoho!

Yea, suddenly realised that I had a couple of K's to burn, and so what better way to do that, than get that nice piece of toy I've been wanting for months. I got it chipped, so I can play backups of original games (which I of course will purchase legally and then backup so there won't be any nasty scratches on them), which is going to save me a whole lot of money buying games (or actually re-buying already bought games, that have been scratched so badly by my careless handling that they're suddenly unplayable), and even if I forget backing up a game before it disintegrates, I can download it legally, because I already own a copy. I already bought my first game (for real), which is Bioshock (very cool homepage by the way), the best rated game on the system in all time, beating Gears of War by two percent on metacritic.

I will be enjoying this modern life artefact in all it's HD glory soon. "Well why aren't you playing now, instead of writing this, when you skipped class to wait for the mail man you sicko?" I hear you saying, and it's a good question. The thing was that I got the console, set it up, and everything was working perfectly, and then suddenly everything was not. When you solder that chip into the console, you have to be careful not to mess anything up, and I guess the company had done just that. Fortunately the warranty covered it, and I had to send it back for them. They've confirmed today that a new one will be send, I'm hoping it will arrive tomorrow (where I have no early classes).

On the last note in this multi-topical post, I've discovered yet another of my friends with a blog. It's Louise whom I'll be assisting at Iceland Airwaves in October, taking photos for her coverage of the festival at Read her music oriented blog here - the link will also be available in the friends section of course.

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