Monday, September 03, 2007

Inland Empire - review

So I got to see Inland Empire with a fellow Lynch fan. I was one of those guys that get quoted on DVD boxes, my quote would be "seriously disturbing - Fortinbras' Follies". It was, perhaps the most disturbing of Lynch' films, and certainly the most abstract. It was shot on DV camera's, which gave it an sort of reality show look, extremely hard edged pictures which were quite uncomfortably to look at. And in contrast to the pictures where the story, which I have only the faintest idea what were. I don't mind not being able to understand everything in Lynch' films, indeed that is one of his qualities in my opinion, but still there is always a core of understanding, be it topical, emotional or what have you, which I felt in part Inland Empire did not. I did lose myself in the film at times, but on the other hand I must admit I looked at the clock more than I should have.
Laura Dern did give an excellent performance, varying from the sensitive rich wife, to a foul-speaking man-eating whore. I've never seen her look so ugly though, indeed repulsive at times with her hanging mouth and cheap make-up. All the other roles where well cast as well, and generally the acting left nothing to be desired. I would just wish that something where holding on to Lynch, pulling him in the opposite direction to balance things out a bit. That something might be Hollywood or a harsh producer, or whatever, but this film felt a bit to experimental to me, as if the form mattered more than the subject at hand.
That being said it wasn't a bad film at all, but I just felt it could have been a brilliant film if he had continued along the lines of Lost Highway and Mulholland Drive, which is a template I feel is far from exhausted. But if you're up for 3 hours of acid, you should definitely go see it.


1 comment:

Tina said...

Ærgerligt den ikke holder niveauet fra Mulholland Drive, som efter min mening er det ypperste han har lavet. Lyder vildt, hvis det er hans mest foruroligene film til dato!