Sunday, September 16, 2007

MS did one thing right

Ok Microsoft, I admit it, you're not totally useless. The Xbox 360 is a wonderful piece of hardware, that I have been spending a lot (too many) hours with. I must say Bioshock - which I've now completed twice - ranks right up there with titles like Half-Life 1 & 2. It's an amazing FPS, excellent story, beautiful graphics, fun gameplay, just a high production all around. I just put in my pre-order for Halo 3, coming out late September, and probably the biggest thing this fall.

Well, that will be enough about games for a while, can't have this blog going ALL nerdy. In other unrelated areas, I just got my début as a professional writer, well it sounds more fancy that it is. I'm writing small weekly columns for the churches in Copenhagen collaborate homepage. You can see their page here, where I got three small articles on the front page. The site isn't Firefox friendly, which I must take care of asap.
Also I'm finding it very hard to study again - totally unrelated to my Xbox purchase! But I guess I'll get the hang of it soon enough.

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