Tuesday, October 16, 2007


1300 CET Copenhagen Airport

"None of your thrusted networks are available, would you like to join CPH?" - "Yes" - "30 minutes, 40 kr" - "STFU!"

Well nothing is free in this world, though the internet should be, greedy bastards. I'm here at the airport waiting to board a plane to Reykjavik, Iceland. Yup, back to the island. I'm going to the music festival Iceland Airwaves, which features a number of cool bands. It's not all fun and games though, I'm also going to work while I'm there. That is, I'm going to take photos for an article a friend is writing, so actually it is all fun and games. I stocked up on fags, and bought a bottle of Jack Daniels, since everything fun is hella expensive on Iceland. The festival starts tomorrow, hopefully tonight I'll meet up with some friends who have been spending a week together in the north. Now I really have to find someplace to smoke, before I have to board. I will upload this the next time there is free wifi, which is probably in Reykjavik. All I need now is a samoan lawyer, and a trunk full of drugs...guns would be good too.

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