Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Enter Rainbow

Been a while I know. Busy juggling with school and work, and at the same time having fun with my numerous hobbies.
You may know this, but tomorrow the tenth, Radiohead is releasing their new album for download. Now, Radiohead has always been on the forefront musically, but it seems they also are in regards to distribution. While the record companies whine and bitch over loss of profit (oh dear, buhu), and sue music lovers for ridiculous amounts, Yorke and company have actually done something innovating, they've completely cut the labels out of the loop, and are releasing their album from their own website You can either order a deluxe hardware edition, with a bundled LP, CD and download for 40 quid, or you can order the download for a price you select yourself! Free or 100 pounds, udecide (EDIT: actually, you can't pay 100 pounds, since the site only accepts two digit amounts, aaaawww how sympathetic)! Man those guys got balls, i tip my hat to them. Of course latest news is that they are actually looking for a label anyway, since they want their music to be available to as many people as possible. Fair enough, still brilliant.

Order In Rainbows at their website here

Also in relation to my talk of working a lot lately, this Thursday you will see some proof of it. When I have a book review and film review on, that is unless my editor decides to slaughter me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Book review *is* there anyhow, so there seems to be no reason for the paranoia. Interesting book - makes me feel like reading him/it.
