Friday, October 19, 2007

Fear and loathing

Weird day yesterday. Danish radio program "De Sorte Spejdere", hosted by Anders Lund Madsen, are covering the festival this year, and decided to set up shop in 12 Tónar's basement. I'm glad I'm not doing live radio, that is one hectic job. But it was fun the watch, at least for a little while.

De Sorte Spejdere interviewing a singer called Öluf, her voice sound like Joanna Newson's

Later American Khonnor played a very dronish set at the store, a little taster of the evenings official concert. We then wen't to one of the media parties, the Take-Off party, a little out of town. Airport was the theme, with lots of pretty blonde stewardesses, and drink and food unlimited. Press people are not really the most interesting people, but it was a good start for a night of partying and music.
Unfortunately that was not to be for me, because after seeing Jenny Wilson - man that music is such a bore! - I stopped briefly at my room, for some regrouping, and fell asleep. I woke up past midnight, having missed the Grizzly Bear concert, and hurried out to catch the last of Khonnor, but unluckily in my hurry I forgot my key, and so was locked out of my room.

Swedish singer Jenny Wilson - yawn!

I spend a good 45 minutes getting into my room again, this included calling up people with the name Gunnar Gunnarsson - the name of the hotel manager - and knocking on doors near the guesthouse, where a Gunnar Gunnarsson lived. This caused a lot of angry Gunnars around Reykjavik, until finally I rang on the front door of the guesthouse, waking up the cooking lady, and finally gaining access to my room. So obvious really...but when I had settled that, everything was pretty much closed, so I decided to get back to bed, where I guess I should have stayed in the first place.

Jenny and band

Tonight, however is not a time for sleeping. A truckload of bands that I want to see are playing, unfortunately a lot of them at the same time. Singapore Sling, Snake & Jet's Amazin Bullit Band, Múm, Deerhoof, The Tremelo Beer Gut, Of Montreal, Loney, Dear and Trentemøller. There's is also a private cocktail party that the label Crunchy Frog is having, that we got invites for. So It's gonna be busy busy, we'll see how much I get to hear.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow grizzly bear owened last evening. what were on , coke the ngiht before?

anyhow, jenny wilson sucked, but of montreal and deerhoof wre great tonight