Thursday, October 18, 2007


15.20 Airwaves Information, Hresso, Reykjavik

Connected to Hive-Hresso

Second day of Airwaves, and the program is really taking of. Yesterday was dedicated to local Icelandic talent, today a few of the international names will play, among them Grizzly Bear (US), Khonnor (US) and Jenny Wilson (SE). Yesterday, I saw a few shows in the 12 Tonár store, and a couple of concert around town. The best of the evening where the American girl band Smoosh, the three girls in it are all sisters, and aged 11, 13 and 15. Their music really wasn't that interesting, but just the setup of these teen and pre-teen girls was fun, and they did one hell of a cover of a Bloc Party song. I met Anton Newcomb (The Brian Jonestown Massacre), sitting in the same chair in 12 Tónar as this summer. He seems to have aged 10 years, and is amazingly even more paranoid and aggressive, he's such a wanker.

Otherwise there wasn't really that much interesting, there was an ok post-rock band, but that was also pretty much it. Today Louise is going to try to Interview Khonnor - apparently he's extremely shy, and I'm going to take pictures of him, which probably won't help about the shyness.

Wish you where here, send more money.

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