Wednesday, October 17, 2007


Isafold, Reykjavik 9.06

Damn it's cold here! Freezing, which combined the non-smoking laws, means I don't smoke much. Yesterday, we met at Kaffibarin and had a few drinks. They were playing a lot of Pixies and the new Radiohead, which more or less gives them eternal respect in my book. Later we ended up at Boston (the bar in Reykjavik, not the American city), where we among other semi-celebs saw the Icelandic producer Valgier Sigurdsson, who amongst other things produced some records for Björk and the new CocoRosie album. The town is still pretty dead, although the Festival starts today. The program today however, doesn't include one band I've ever heard of before, that is why we're going to a private party at the 12 Tonár big boss' place, with free food and drink, and lots of semi-celebs. Man, I love free stuff! Until then, I'll just chill, maybe watch a film, until I'm meeting the others downtown at noon.

Lulu, Wouter, Jassie, Atla and Naka at Kaffibarin last night

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