Friday, November 09, 2007

<3 sci-fi

Hello dear readers. Sorry I've been out for a while, actually I was in Spain visiting a friend, and had an excellent time, I will tell you more about it when I look through the photos I took there. What I mean to tell you now is a hot tip, and some bragging (yes more inanimate objects). The tip goes out to all the Battlestar Galactica fans, and if you aren't it's not to late to start. Yes I know season three was bad, very bad. Actually it was pressure from the sci-fi channel, they wanted to make the series more accessible to new viewers, therefore they wanted a lot of stand-alone episodes, instead of continuing the brilliant story arc (geesh what morons). Fortunately and obviously ratings dropped like a nuke on Caprica, and so the series creators have been given free hands again to continue the story arc without further interference from dim-witted studio executives, read: scum. The fourth, and recently announced final, season is unfortunately still a bit away. It will probably start airing in April 2008. BUT, and here finally the tip, a TV movie has been made called Razor to ease the waiting. It depicts the the past of Battlestar Pegasus, and some of the things that happened after Lee took command of it. While it doesn't advance the story arc, it certainly isn't just pure filler either. It somewhat explains Admiral Cain's motivations, and in the end of the film you don't hate her guts quite so much. Also she and Balzar seem's to share a taste in women *wink wink*. Most importantly it mixes serious, mature content, ethical dilemmas with good frakkin cool space combat! In short, highly recommended.

Rear Admiral Cain - evil incarnate or misunderstood lesbian?

And now the bragging; While I can't really afford it, and owe tons of people (mainly my family thank God - keeps the broken knee ration down), I just bought the missing console in my collection - Nintendo Wii!

Nah, just kidding. I just lend it from a friend of mine. I've been playing The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, and I must say I'm hooked. The the wii remote and nuunchuk are so awesome. I also borrowed the best multiplayer game to date: Warioware - Smooth Moves. You HAVE to see it. Come play with me.

Also, I really think the Colts should have won.


Unknown said...


Jeg kommer og spiller med dig!

Ja, Pats er Satan.

Anonymous said...

Seson 3 var, som du siger, en skandale jeg ikke engang gad at se faedig!Den bliver saa godt som umuligt at redde... Problemet er jo, at de koerte serien et sted hen hvor den mistede alt tiltraekningskraft. Saa der kraeves en "highlander" for at komme videre: De bliver noedt til at ignorerer 80% af seson 3 og begynde forfra - "not bloody well likely"! Saa jeg saetter ikke mine forhaabninger hoejt.

Christian R said...

Jeg synes problemet med sæson 3 var alle de afsnit der ikke havde nogen inflydelse på historien, og at der var for lidt action. Hvis 4'eren fortsætter historien er jeg meget fortrøstningsfuld. Jeg tror faktisk det bliver genialt. Men se Razor, så får du blod på tanden igen. Peace.