Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Granada epilogue

Finally I got my pictures from Granada uploaded. They're not very representative for our trip, since 60% of our time was spent drinking, and 20% sleeping, but here they are nonetheless, take a look.

The more things stay the same, the more they stay the same - could have been the motto for the elections that came and went in DK. everything is back to normal in the kingdom of Denmark, i.e. that horrible mutant called VOK! (shout it!), still breathes and ravages the land.
Well who cares really, what I'm more worried about is the writers guild strike in America. Already The Daily Show has been cancelled for the moment, and series such as Lost and Battlestar Galactica are in jeopardy! Wake up people, we're facing a catastrophe here!

Otherwise not much happening, I've quit my job at the church thingy. I discovered they where all religious, HA! Poor saps. Also exam time is here, actually it's been here for a while, I hope I realize that soon.

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